Mobile App Penetration and API Penetration Testing

API security testing is the primary assessment used to identify and address vulnerabilities in Web services that could be exploited by hackers for malicious purposes, using the same tools and techniques. Our API penetration testing services simulate a real cyberattacking targeting your Web services and offer an accurate representation of your API security by presenting several real-world opportunities for hackers to circumvent your security measures and launch additional attacks.

Our API Security Testing Methodology

Our approach is based on manual techniques and goes beyond a typical scan, allowing you to identify complex vulnerabilities present in modern APIs. Here is a breakdown of our approach divided in three distinct types of tests:

Security Assessment

Our experts validate that your API meets various security requirements. For instance, authorization parameters and data access conditions are assessed to determine how the API handles permissions.

Penetration Testing

We attempt to breach your API by circumventing user privileges and bypassing authentication functions to identify technical vulnerabilities that allow hackers to further infiltrate your systems.


Using various attack methods commonly deployed by hackers, we manipulate API requests and parameters to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited to compromise your security.


Improve Your API Security

In order to maximize the identified vulnerabilities, our extensive attack surface covers various types of exploits commonly used by hackers to breach your API:

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“ By 2022, API abuses will be the most-frequent attack vector ”

-Gartner Research

Contact Andromeda Information

Andromeda Risk Consulting is a  global security firm that educates clients, identifies security risks, informs intelligent business decisions, and enables you to reduce your attack surface digitally, physically and socially.

Certified Security Experts

Our security experts are exceptionally qualified and confirmed by CEH, ECSA, OSCP, CISA, CISSP, and numerous others.

Communication & Collaboration

After surveying the code our specialists shared the best answers to correct them. Our experts will communicate with you for any further implementations.

Research-Focused Approach

We hold industry-leading certifications and dedicate part of every day to research the latest exploit techniques to ensure our clients remain protected from evolving online attacks.

Free Remediation Testing

Once your team addresses remediation recommendations, Andromeda Risk Consulting will schedule your retest at no additional charge.

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